British Asparagus at
Wykham Park Farm
British Asparagus heralds the start of spring; there is no other vegetable like it.
We have been growing asparagus since 1991, initially starting with 1 acre and building up to over 80 acres today. By cutting, washing and packing our asparagus on a daily basis we guarantee that it is absolutely fresh for all our customers, every day. Asparagus is a truly seasonal crop and should be enjoyed for the short 8 weeks or so from the end of April until mid-June. Planted as a crown asparagus takes two years to properly establish and can then be productive for 10 years or more. A perennial plant, it is the young spears that are cooked and eaten. Once the harvesting season is over the spears are left to grow into ferns. When these ferns die down in the autumn the energy is returned back into the crown and stored ready for the following year.
Interview with Lizzie Colegrave
What do you think is the secret that makes your asparagus special?
What kind of technology do you use for farming asparagus?
What are the perfect conditions for picking asparagus?
How much asparagus do you pick a year and where do you sell it?
We would hope to pick approx. 1ton to the acre so 80t/yr. We sell 60% to the supermarkets, 10% through the farm shop and 30% wholesale to local shops and restaurants.
What is your favourite way to cook asparagus?